Page 1 - - Overview - How do Change the Department for an Award
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Change the Department for an Award

How do I Change the Department for an Award?


Several changes are required on an Award if the department is changed. The steps below detail what should occur when
there is a departmental change on an Award.

Process Flow

This the overall process sequence for changing the department on an Award is detailed below:

I. Initiate an Award                      II. Approve     III. Process Award         IV. Generate eNOA
  Setup Request                     Modification Request     Modification                    (QC)

Process Sequence      Process                             Description
I                     Initiate an Award Setup
                      Request                             The Award Modification Request initiates the routing for
II                                                        appropriate approvals.
                      Approve Modification
                      Request                             For detailed steps, refer to the Job Aid:

                                                              ï‚· How do I Initiate an Award Setup Request

                                                          Approvers will receive an email notification requesting approval
                                                          or have a worklist entry with a link to the Award Request page.

                                                          During this stage, Approvers will review attached documents
                                                          and there will be frequent communication with FGC, OSP and
                                                          OTT managers to resolve questions.

                                                          For detailed steps, refer to the Job Aid:

                                                              ï‚· How do I Approve an Award Initiation Request

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