Page 1 - How do I Add Back a Customer Payment Wire
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Add Back a Customer Payment Wire

        How do I Add Back a Customer Payment Wire?

        If a wire for a customer payment has been claimed in error, you can unpost the payment and delete the deposit to
        return the claimed wire back onto the Wire Claim page. Customer payment wires will not be available on the Reclaim
        Web Wires page.


               Navigator > Accounts Receivable > Receivables Update > Unpost Groups >

               Payment Group

                                                                1. Enter the Deposit Unit and the Deposit ID.

                                                                          Deposit Unit is required.
                                                                          Enter other criteria as needed if you do not have
                                            1                              the Deposit ID.
                                                                    Assigned Operator ID: By default, the Assigned Operator ID
                                                                    is the user who created the original deposit. If another user
                                                                    makes updates to certain fields (Control Amount,
                                                                    Accounting Date, etc.), the Assigned Operator ID will be
                                                                    updated to that of the user who made the changes.
                                                                2. Click the Search button.

        The Payment Control page displays.

                                 3                                                     You can review the Control Totals
                                                                                       (amounts, item count) and
                                                                                       Control Data (dates, users) to
                                                                                       ensure you selected the correct
                                                                                       3. Click the Action tab.

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