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TalonTM 7-StepWetPolishingPads
   Use Wet Only
Fabricator’s Note: These TalonTM Wet pads are thicker than Viper® Wet pads and are stiffer. This is an advantage for flat surfaces, but may be more difficult for polishing ogee edges. Call 1-800-575-4401 if you have any questions.
30% More Life — Only $2.00 More Per Pad...
TalonTM Premium Wet Polishing Pads generate the same great polish as our Viper® pads at the same speed, but have a 30% longer life and are only $2.00 more per pad.
   Item #
6730 6732 6734 6736 6738 6740 6742 6746
Description Price
4mm Thick
•30% longer life than Viper
•Same speed and polish as Viper
•Exceptional polish
•30% more life at $2 more per pad
•For wet use only
•Recommended RPM is 4,000 Maximum RPM is 5,000
 TalonTM 7-Step Granite Wet Edge Polishing Pad, 4˝, 60 Grit, Blue
TalonTM 7-Step Granite Wet Edge Polishing Pad, 4˝, 150 Grit, Yellow TalonTM 7-Step Granite Wet Edge Polishing Pad, 4˝, 300 Grit, Orange TalonTM 7-Step Granite Wet Edge Polishing Pad, 4˝, 500 Grit, Red
TalonTM 7-Step Granite Wet Edge Polishing Pad, 4˝, 1,000 Grit, Dark Green TalonTM 7-Step Granite Wet Edge Polishing Pad, 4˝, 2,000 Grit, Light Green TalonTM 7-Step Granite Wet Edge Polishing Pad, 4˝, 3,000 Grit, Brown TalonTM 7-Step Granite Wet Edge Polishing Pad Set, 4˝, 50-3000 Grit
$16.95 $16.95 $16.95 $16.95 $16.95 $16.95 $16.95
     Weha Blitz 7-Step Wet Polishing Pads
The Weha Blitz 7-Step Diamond Polishing Pads are made using the Weha exclusive Geometric Water Displacement Technology Pattern design.
This Geo Pattern design allows water to flow across and through the pad more efficiently, keeping the pad from hydroplaning and allowing it to “bite” into the stone. This means the pad achieves a polish faster than conventional brick pattern polishing pads.
The Geo Pattern design also eliminates the segments coming off on the outer edges of the pad. Polish inside bowls, ogee edges, tight inside corners of rectangle sinks and you will not have to worry about the pad coming apart on the edges.
The Weha Blitz Geo Pattern pads are made with high concentration of diamond into each grit, allowing the pad to create a high gloss finish with the speed that other diamond polishing pads can’t achieve.
    •4” diameter, 3mm thick
•Super quick polishing
•Really good polish
•No outer segment loss due to tight radius and inside sink corner polishing
•Highest diamond concentration for polishing pads •Extremely Flexible
Item #
25035 25036 25037 25038 25039 25040 25041
Description Price
Weha Blitz 7-Step Wet Polishing Pad, 4˝, 50 Grit, Light Green Weha Blitz 7-Step Wet Polishing Pad, 4˝, 100 Grit, Red
Weha Blitz 7-Step Wet Polishing Pad, 4˝, 200 Grit, Yellow Weha Blitz 7-Step Wet Pad, 4˝, 400 Grit, Light Blue
Weha Blitz 7-Step Wet Polishing Pad, 4˝, 800 Grit, Dark Green Weha Blitz 7-Step Wet Polishing Pad, 4˝, 1,500 Grit, Orange Weha Blitz 7-Step Wet Polishing Pad, 4˝, 3,000 Grit, Pink
$14.00 $14.00 $14.00 $14.00 $14.00 $14.00 $14.00
       Call 800-575-4401
WeT polishing pads
polishing & sanding

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