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P. 200

Diamut AFR
Diamut AFR
    AFR21.5 R10R3 120 x 35
202 $585.87 203 $536.38 204 $536.38 205 $536.38 206 $198.44 207 $198.44 208 $198.44
AFR23 R10R2
AFR31.5 R10R3 120 x 35
031 $517.95 032 $646.86 033 $646.86 034 $646.86 035 $216.79 036 $216.79 037 $216.79
AFR33 R6R3
 80 x 35
60 x 22
644 $598.52
101 $478.58
612 $582.80
102 $478.58
613 $572.20
103 $478.58
614 $572.20
104 $478.58
615 $242.03
106 $236.65
616 $242.03
107 $236.65
617 $242.03
108 $236.65
 80 x 35
60 x 22
356 $397.10
357 $421.77
358 $421.77
359 $421.77
360 $198.44
361 $198.44
362 $198.44
  Pos. 1 Segmented Pos. 2 Metal
Pos. 3 Metal
Pos. 4 Metal
Pos. 5 Flash Blue Pos. 6 Flash White Pos. 7 Flash Gray
Pos. 1 Segmented Pos. 2 Metal
Pos. 3 Metal
Pos. 4 Metal
Pos. 5 Flash Blue Pos. 6 Flash White Pos. 7 Flash Gray
            Pricing subject to change based on Euro
Diamut AFR
Pricing subject to change based on Euro
Diamut A33 R10
120 x 35
031 $517.95 032 $646.86 033 $646.86 034 $646.86 035 $216.79 036 $216.79 037 $216.79
Pricing subject to change based on Euro
   AFR33 R15R3 120 x 35
209 $549.04 224 $713.63 225 $713.63 226 $713.63 227 $216.80 228 $216.80 229 $216.80
AFR33 R15R3
AFR33 R10R3
 80 x 35
60 x 22
045 $451.19
6999 $546.43
046 $656.08
66970 $449.50
047 $656.08
66971 $449.50
048 $656.08
66972 $449.50
035 $216.79
66973 $270.47
036 $216.79
66974 $270.47
037 $216.79
66975 $270.47
 90 x 35
80 x 35
049 $421.27
045 $451.19
050 $543.28
046 $656.08
051 $543.28
047 $656.08
052 $543.28
048 $656.08
227 $216.80
6768 $222.52
228 $216.80
6769 $222.52
229 $216.80
6770 $222.52
  Pos. 1 Segmented Pos. 2 Metal
Pos. 3 Metal
Pos. 4 Metal
Pos. 5 Flash Blue Pos. 6 Flash White Pos. 7 Flash Gray
Pos. 1 Segmented Pos. 2 Metal
Pos. 3 Metal
Pos. 4 Metal
Pos. 5 Flash Blue Pos. 6 Flash White Pos. 7 Flash Gray
            Pricing subject to change based on Euro
Diamut A43 R20
120 x 35
216 $658.38 217 $768.88 218 $768.88 219 $768.88 220 $250.06 221 $250.06 222 $250.06
Pricing subject to change based on Euro
Diamut A33 R15 and A35 R15
   A33 R15
120 x 35
209 $549.04 210 $610.04 211 $610.04 212 $610.04 213 $222.53 214 $222.53 215 $222.53
A35 R15
A35 R15
 80 x 35
60 x 22
526 $451.20
527 $549.04
528 $549.04
529 $549.04
530 $250.06
531 $250.06
532 $250.06
 80 x 35
80 x 22
363 $371.78
00674 $371.78
364 $458.11
00675 $458.10
365 $458.11
00676 $458.10
366 $458.11
00677 $458.10
367 $222.53
00678 $222.53
368 $222.53
00679 $222.53
369 $222.53
00680 $222.53
  Pos. 1 Segmented Pos. 2 Metal
Pos. 3 Metal
Pos. 4 Metal
Pos. 5 Flash Blue Pos. 6 Flash White Pos. 7 Flash Gray
Pos. 1 Segmented Pos. 2 Metal
Pos. 3 Metal
Pos. 4 Metal
Pos. 5 Flash Blue Pos. 6 Flash White Pos. 7 Flash Gray
            Pricing subject to change based on Euro
    Call 800-575-4401
                   CNC tooliNg
Diamut CNC tooliNg
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