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Kremin Onyx CNC Tool Holders
Unparalleled Toughness and Innovation That Delivers...
Kremin Onyx Tools and Toolholders delivers cost savings through quality engineering.
How do they do it?
Kremin Tools and Toolholders are heat-treated with permanently in- fused surface hardness to Vickers 1880 (75+ Rockwell C) with diffu- sion zone (approximately Rc 60) and a Rc 28-32 core hardness. Surface hardness withstands the 72-hour salt spray corrosion test under ASTM B117 conditions, reducing surface flaking and galling.
Plus, Kremin tool holders are taper ground for long-wearing spindle fit, superior accuracy and no vibration.
That’s why Braxton-Bragg brings you these great quality Kremin Products. Products that will fit most commonly used machines, like the Park, Thibaut, Denver, VEM, Northwood, Intermac, Bimatech, HSD, Breton, Brembana and Bavelloni.
Kremin Onyx Toolholders for Park, Thibaut, Denver and VEM
Kremin Onyx Toolholders for Northwood, Intermac, Bimatech and HSD
      See our website for complete listing of sizes and pricing!
Kremin Onyx Bolts & Retention Knob
Kremin Onyx Toolholders for Bavelloni
Kremin Onyx Toolholders for Breton
     Kremin Onyx Toolholders for Brembana New Style
Kremin Onyx Toolholders for Brembana Old Style
    Call 800-575-4401
kremiN tool holDers
CNC tooliNg

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