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MagnaPanel Flush Mounted Tiled Access Panel Kit
 Finally, An Easy Way to Create a Tile Access Panel
Featuring the Magnapanel Contractor Kit:
MagnaPanel provides a flexible, cost effective, and convenient solu- tion for creating magnetically attached access panels for mechanical components, wiring, and plumbing fixtures. The panel seamlessly blends with surrounding finishes.
What you get when you order:
•Four high-strength industrial magnets •Four lag bolts
•Epoxy resin packet
Item# Description
6140 Magnapanel Flush Mounted Tiled Access Panel Contractor Kit
Because MagnaPanel uses high-strength magnets that are much stronger than standard cabinet magnets, you are assured of a solid, reliable panel fit for many years without having to resort to caulking or other sealants or fasteners to hold access panels in place.
Make your own flush-mounted access panels and cut access panels any size you want.
    Grout-Aide Markers
•Permanent on most surfaces
•Adjustable coverage (for thinner coverage, lightly dip fiber tip in water) •Antibacterial formula kills mold and mildew
•Available in standard and designer colors
•Surfaces safe for children and pets
•Non-slip, comfort grip
•Reversible nib
•Handy pocket clip-on cap
      Item #
33905 33906 33907
Description Price
SKM Grout-Aide Marker, White SKM Grout-Aide Marker, Gray SKM Grout-Aide Marker, Buff
$7.51 $7.51 $7.51
  NOTE: Pen Covers Grout Stains & Each Pen Covers 175 Linear Feet. RTC Products Grouting Sponges
  RTC Products Grouting Sponges are the original formula sponges that were brought overseas from Greece many years ago. The formula has remained the same- Buy the best at the best price!
Hydro Sponges are the best polyester sponges on the market. They are Hydraphiliated - an extra manufacturing process that gives these sponges tremendous water holding capacity, more than any other polyester sponge!
The Hydro Sponge is the preferred washing sponge by professionals. They are more durable than any other polyester sponge and more cost saving than any natural sponge. They wash out clean, dry soft, and are always uniform in size and quality.
  Item # Description
16185 RTC Hydro Extra Large Sponges, 25 Pack
•Special hydrophilic design has high water-holding capacity •Rounding edges to prevent “digging out” or marring of grout
    Call 800-575-4401
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