Page 20 - Housing
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● Ifyourincomeincreasesyourrenttothecouncilwillalsoincrease. If your income decreases your rent will decrease.
● TheamountyoureceivedependsonwhereyouapplyforHAP. Please see Section 3.13 for HAP rates per county.
● HAPisusuallya2-yearminimumcontract.Itcanbedifficultto move before the 2 years is over.
● TherearetwokindsofHAP-HomelessHAPandRegularHAP 3.2 Homeless HAP (HHAP)
 ● IfyouarelivinginDirectProvisionorhomelessservices,youare
 entitled to homeless HAP.
 ● InDublin:thecouncilwillpayyourdeposit+2months’renttothe
 landlord up front.
 ● Somecouncilsdonotpaythedepositiftheyknowyouborrowed
 from a friend to pay the landlord while you wait on the HHAP to
 be processed.
 ● InDublin:thecouncilpay50%abovetherateadvertisedonline.
 ● OutsideDublin:thecouncilpayonemonth’srent+depositup
 ● OutsideDublin:thecouncilpay20%abovewhatisadvertised
 ● YouarealsoonlyeligibleforHHAPifyouarelivingindirect
 provision or homeless accommodation or given a notice of
 ● HHAPisatwo-yearminimumcontract.Itcanbedifficulttoleave
 before the 2 years is over.
 ● Generally,onceyouliveinyourhome6months+youhave
 tenancy rights. You can stay in your home as long as you do not
 get a ‘notice of termination’. Please see section 4.8.

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