Page 12 - Chapter 3 - Fundamentals of Laser/IPL Hair Removal
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Chapter 3 – Fundamentals of Laser/IPL Hair Removal 1st Edition
Table of Contents
Section 3.1 – Overview of Hair Removal Using Light Energy
Hair Removal using Light Energy – in a nutshell
The basic parameters (settings) on lasers and IPLs
The Epidermis and Skin Colour
Melanin and its effects on hair removal (Absorption Coefficients) Skin Colour and melanin concentration
Hair colour & skin colour – contrast – why this is so important Skin Colour 6 – ‘Black’ skin
Epidermal temperature rise due to skin colour
Tans – Sun or sunbeds
Hirsutism and Hypertrichosis
Melanin Absorption, Skin Colour and Pain
Laser / IPL Treatment of Hair – the Fundamentals in more detail
The Fundamental Principles of Light-based Hair Removal Treatments Management of Safe and Efficient Light-based Skin Treatments
Light Absorption in Epidermal Melanin
Optimal Skin Cooling in Laser Hair Removal
Thermal Pain Sensors
Laser Hair Removal – A Thermo-Chemical Process
Thick and thin hair – how much light energy do they absorb? What does this mean for light-based hair removal treatments? Skin Cooling
“Over-cooling” the treatment area is virtually impossible!! Depth of the germ cell bulges in hair follicles
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How the anatomy of target and absorbing tissue determines the pulse duration Hair depth and fluence
Melanin absorption – how they compare across devices?
Dormant Follicles
Epidermal Complications
Dermal Complications
Skin diseases and disorders
What cannot be treated?
Proper language when talking to clients/patients
Treatment Timings
What are the optimum hair removal intervals?
How much hair is lost following treatments?
Hair treatment intervals – what is the ‘best’ time to leave between sessions?
Section 3.2 – Science / Biology
The Important Science and Biology Involved with Hair Removal
Basic Terms You Really Should Understand
Selective heating - The impact of object colour vs the colour of light Fundamental optical properties of the skin
Penetration Depth
Fluence and penetration depth
Fluence and Skin Cooling
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© The Laser-IPL Guys, 2022
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