Page 236 - Chapter 3 - Laser/IPL Hair Removal
P. 236
Chapter 3 – Fundamentals of Laser/IPL Hair Removal 2nd Edition
It is clear that the frequency of problems increases with skin colour – which is not surprising. In particular, they found that pain was the largest, single problem – most likely due to insufficient skin surface cooling. This was with all three types of laser.
Darker skins contain higher concentrations and volumes of melanosomes, which absorb all visible and near-infrared wavelengths. Consequently, the basal layer will become hotter with high fluences, as the skin becomes darker (either through ethnicity or tanning). If these higher temperatures are not sufficiently cooled, during the treatment, then unwanted side effects are inevitable. Good skin cooing will reduce the incidence of these side effects dramatically! In such cases, it may be that an ice pack can be applied for a few minutes prior to the treatment.
Figure 126 – The frequency of unwanted side effects compared with Fitzpatrick skin types (results from all three lasers combined)
Laser vs IPL – Some Myths...
There are many myths about how lasers and IPLs compare. Most of them are based on ignorance of the scientific facts! In essence, both types of systems are merely delivering light energy into the skin. This light is then absorbed by something, which usually converts it into heat. It is the heat which induces the changes that we are trying to achieve.
Let’s dispel some of those myths.... So, what are they?
Myth 1 – ‘An IPL is “not as good as a laser” because it’s not the same’ Myth 2 – IPLs “don’t get as deep as lasers”
Myth 3 – IPLs “don’t generate long term results, like lasers”
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