Page 37 - Chapter 3 - Fundamentals of Laser/IPL Hair Removal
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Chapter 3 – Fundamentals of Laser/IPL Hair Removal 1st Edition
size. This type of hair growth is not due to a systemic disorder. Causes are genetic and racial tendencies, or constitutional variation in follicle sensitivity.
Hirsutism refers to a masculine pattern of hair growth in women – one which is normal in men. There is an increase in cyclic growth, diameter of hair and rate of growth. Hirsutism is caused by the following two factors:
1. increased follicle sensitivity to normal levels of circulating androgens in the blood. This is referred to as primary hirsutism.
2. increased androgen production by the adrenal glands and ovaries. This is referred to as secondary or true hirsutism. The onset of primary hirsutism occurs at puberty, increasing until the thirties when it stabilises, whereas secondary hirsutism begins just before or just after puberty. Secondary hirsutism is due to an endocrine disorder which causes increased hormonal secretion by the glands.
The number and distribution of hair follicles is the same in both sexes. It is genetic predisposition which determines the sex of an individual and specific hair growth patterns. Endocrine hormones are responsible for influencing and stimulating growth at the follicle cells, which in turn determines the pattern, quantity, texture and distribution of body hair.
There is no known reason why hair removal using light should not be completely successful in the management of either hirsutism or hypertrichosis. Experience in Norway and Sweden has shown that Hirsute clients do respond well to treatment although they generally require more repeat sessions than normal.
We suggest you counsel any such clients appropriately. Ensure they understand that their situation is not the norm in terms of hair growth and, as such, the results of this treatment are not fully known. It is strongly suggested that a number of test patches be carried according to the usual protocol. If initial results do not appear to be successful, try more test patches at higher fluence and/or longer pulse durations.
Melanin Absorption, Skin Colour and Pain
Visible light is absorbed by melanin in the basal layer, particularly towards the blue end of the spectrum. This generates a temperature build-up in that layer, which then conducts heat energy in the epidermis above and the dermis below. Many nerve endings are near the epidermal/dermal junction and so are stimulated by this heat energy. This is the cause of much of the pain felt during photothermal treatments.
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