Page 80 - Chapter 3 - Laser/IPL Hair Removal
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Chapter 3 – Fundamentals of Laser/IPL Hair Removal 2nd Edition
Over dark moles Tattoos Psoriasis Diabetes
Eczema or Dermatitis Skin cancers Porphyria (Photo-sensitivity)
 What cannot be treated?
There are certain conditions when light-based treatments should not be applied. These include body sites where the hairs have been plucked, tweezed, electrolysed or removed using depilation creams. In these situations, the target hair is not available. You will need to wait until the hair regrows before beginning any treatments.
Proper language when talking to clients/patients
We often see laser/IPL operators commenting on social media about their patients/clients following treatments. They say things like “the hair grew back a few weeks later” or “there was a lot of re-growth”.
This should not be true! If the treatments were carried out correctly (with the proper fluence, wavelengths, pulsewidth etc) then any hair which is seen after treatments should NOT be “re- growth”- it should be “new” growth – follicles which have gone into anagen since the previous treatment(s).
In other words, the choice of language is very important here. ‘New’ growth is not ‘re-growth’.
In reality, we will always see a mixture of ‘re-growth’ and ‘new’ growth. Nobody is 100% efficient when treating hair (or any other skin condition!!), so we will always miss some follicles in a treatment.
Consequently, when your client/patient returns they will present some brand new hairs which were not available in previous treatments, AND some hair in follicles which were not effectively killed in previous treatments.
So, please use the correct language, and please correct your clients/patients when the return for
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© The Laser-IPL Guys, 2025

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