Page 122 - Mike Murphy's Blog Posts
P. 122

advocating leaving all patients for such a long period of time but I would now recommend at least an eight week interval.
Treatment area size - there appears to be a natural limit on the area that can be effectively treated in any one treatment session. The body has a finite ability to create new macrophages in any given time. Hence, if a very large area is treated in one sitting the number of macrophages created will need to cope with a large amount of fragmented ink particles. If a smaller area is treated then there is likely to be more macrophages available for that ink, compared with the larger area. It seems sensible to limit the total area treated in any one session to allow the body to remove the ink particles more efficiently.
Capillary absorption - I recently found that using my glass slide technique on patients resulted in the reduction in pain, epidermal damage, blood spots and healing time (published in the 'Lasers in Medical Science' journal). I also discovered that by applying
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