Page 127 - Mike Murphy's Blog Posts
P. 127
Plus I've also heard some manufacturers claiming that pico lasers 'pulverise' ink particles into smaller fragments than QS lasers. This actually appears to be true, according to some histology results.
The upshot of this is that some tattoos will fade faster when treated with a pico laser compared with a QS laser. I have also seen claims that pico lasers can remove 'stubborn' tattoos which QS lasers have failed to completely remove. Personally, I don't think that there have been enough comparative clinical trials to properly assess the advantages/disadvantages of picosecond lasers over QS lasers.
So, back to the original question - what are you paying for in a pico laser?
It appears that pico lasers will remove some tattoos faster and/or better than an equivalent QS laser. But the reality is that some tattoos just cannot be fully removed, regardless of which laser is applied. That's because there are so many external factors involved in tattoo removal which are outside the control of the operator.
I suppose the real question is, is the extra cost worth it?
If you really want to pay an extra £40k - £50k for an unknown improvement in results then that's up to you. A good quality QS laser will probably generate a similar level of final results, at a much lower cost, but over a longer period. But, from a business perspective, using a picosecond laser will mean that you will need to charge your patients more...
Mike’s Blog Posts 127