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P. 240
It is very easy to test this technique on yourself - the photo above shows two IPL shots on my own forearm taken only minutes after a couple of practice shots. We used a 530nm filter with a fluence of 40 J/cm2 in a 35 ms pulsewidth. One spot had a 2 second pre-cool, while the other had no pre-cooling. The difference in sensation was significant (ouch!!).
Sub-surface vascular damage is evident along with some pigmented damage. However, I applied an ice pack to my arm for about 15 minutes after the treatment. While both areas exhibited a ‘stinging’ sensation immediately after the treatment, this disappeared completely after the ice packs.
There is no significant tissue damage today (four days after treatment) and there was no blistering or epidermal damage. There has been no further sensation on these areas since the ice cooling. While it may appear so, this tissue is NOT 'burnt'! This is what I would expect to see after such a high fluence.
While the areas may appear ‘damaged’, they are not. The only damage has been to the pigmentation (freckles) and some transient capillary damage. I expect this all to resolve in the next week to ten days.
I have no problem delivering high fluences to the skin - I once used a 100 J/cm2 fluence on a client with very deep follicles, with no problems at all. I also applied a lot of cooling!
So, don’t fear your equipment. Don’t be afraid to use higher fluences - they produce better results. But, do make sure you apply sufficient cooling before, during and after the application of the light energy to minimise any unwanted damage.
In summary, the chances of a successful clinical outcome depend greatly on the applied fluence. Higher fluences will generate greater tissue responses, but also greater risk of thermal damage. So more cooling is also required. It's a balance - the high the fence, the more cooling you must use - during and after the treatment!
Hope this helps, Mike.
PS If you would like some training from me, email me at Or, you might want to attend one of my Masterclasses which I’m planning to hold next year.
PPS Please note that the above does NOT apply to laser tattoo removal. Always use low fluences for that process.
Mike’s Blog Posts 240