Page 309 - Mike Murphy's Blog Posts
P. 309
We have seen that laser light changes dramatically when it enters the skin. It loses two of its main properties, and its changes colour. However, it maintains its energy content, and it is this that makes it useful for treatments.
The important point here is that the type of light which is fired at the skin is not important. It is the energy/fluence which determines the clinical outcome. The light is merely a method of transferring that energy into the skin constituents.
When absorption occurs in melanin or haemoglobin, it doesn’t matter whether the light energy is in the form of a laser or not. It is quite irrelevant. It is the total number of absorbed photons (the energy) that matters; not their source.
So, what is the difference between lasers and IPLs? Mostly just the price!! Hope this helps,
Mike’s Blog Posts 309