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 My arm 8 months after 40 J/cm2 – with pre-cooling
I’ve done the same with diode lasers too. I suggest you try this for yourself to feel the effectiveness of good skin cooling.
Incidentally, skin cooling can also be achieved using air coolers, such as the Zimmer device. While this is good to a certain level, it’s not as efficient as ice cooling. This is simply because ice/water cooling is around 20 times more effective due to heat conduction (compared with air cooling). So, using a Zimmer is good, but using it in conjunction with ice cooling is much better.
The benefits of skin cooling
So, apart from pain control, what are the benefits of skin cooling?
Well, by minimising the temperatures in the basal layer, you also reduce the risk of blistering and pigmentation generation. In some people, new pigmentation can be generated following laser treatments. Cooling will reduce the risk of this too.
   Mike’s Blog Posts 98

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