Page 10 - Tavern Players - Summer Issue 2022
P. 10
Beer Destinations
IBy Erin Marley
’m Erin Marley. I work for Woodstock Inn Brewery. I wear a lot of hats. I’ve worked here for aloooongtime.Mybrotherbrewedbeerhere.I’m
the person behind the curtain of our social media lair and I have a funny story to tell you.
We got a new forklift. Sounds boring. Forklifts don’t translate to fun but hey, Champy, one of our brewers, sent me some photos. I posted them on Facebook and Instagram and asked for name suggestions because we were in a pandemic and why not name a forklift?
Hundreds of people agreed.
Garrett, Molly and I, along with some other staff kicked around the different names suggested. To be honest, a few people at Woodstock Inn Brewery, who I won’t mention by name, were NOT into this. lol.
We landed on Lifty McKeggerson.
I’m a marketing and sales weirdo originally
from upstate New York, a town called Fulton. I graduated with a Bachelor’s degree from SUNY Potsdam. If you’re wondering where the hell these places are, that’s the point. On occasion, to amuse myself, I take a small thing that annoys someone and blow it up so they continue to be annoyed. The more repetition involved, the funnier it is for me. The idea that the forklift would forever be branded Lifty McKeggerson and that it would annoy someone at work every day brought a smile to my sick, twisted face.
My tapped, mischievous mindset + kismet + a man they call Grateful Pooh turned this silly little forklift post into a spotlight on an incredible person.
Meet Joe Bastedo from Kingsport, TN.
He visited Woodstock Inn Brewery back in 2018. When we posed the question on social media asking for name suggestions for the new forklift, Joe suggested “Lifty McKeggerson.”
10 / SUMMER 2022