Page 24 - Tavern Players - Summer Issue 2022
P. 24

     Foosball Tournament
OnApril 23rd Tavern Players Magazine headed to the State of Maine for its first foosball tournament in many years. Known as the State for “The Way Life Should Be”. Well, it was definitely a foosball tournament for the ‘way it should be”. Players came from MA, NH, and Vermont, we are not really sure what’s going on with players from Maine as we didn’t see a one but are hoping once they see this article they might come back out of the closet. The GFB Scottish Pub is a great kicked back atmosphere as well as a Brew Pub. They had 3 tables on hand for the event, one of which is there all the time. The tournament was sponsored by Pabst Blue Ribbon of New England, Jameson Irish Whiskey – with several of their different
  brands and Jagermiester along with Jagermiester Cold Brew. The Draw Your Partner was the first event with 13 teams. When we say it came down to the wire, we mean it came down to the wire. In the Hot Seat was Rick Robichaud who just previously took 2nd place at the Hobbs Brewing Foosball tournament in Open Singles a few weeks back, playing with Top New England Player Stan Palowski from Vermont. Coming from the looser bracket was Kenny Donahue another Top New England Player, also a former Texas State Amatuer Singles Champion playing with one of what I am willing to go out on the fence and say is soon to be a World Champion Sherwin Palowski. I’m going to get right to the point on this one, it was a close match, but Kenny and Sherwin did the
Playing in the DYP, Shane Staples sets up a front pull shot as Sheryl Palowski readies herself on defense.
Always great to work with owners who also put in the time to make an event work. Special thanks to the Greenlaw Family from Left to right, Robert Jr., Kelly, and Robert Sr. Looking forward to doing it again!
 double dip and came out on top.
In the Open Doubles, once again there was some good
competition. Holding the Hot seat this time was Matt Contois and Steve Batista from the New Bedford, Mass area. I have had the great pleasure of watching these two guys play in the last year an a half, if there is to be a Most Improved Player Award these two guys deserve it. I could only think of two other players that
24 / SUMMER 2022

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