Page 1 - VABC Newsletter 20190301
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Reverend Dr. John J. Cox, Pastor
Vermont Avenue Baptist Church + 1630 Vermont Ave NW WDC 20009 + 202-667-1078
In1866, seven freedmen gathered for the purpose of
forming a church. Receiving the necessary certification MARK YOUR CALENDAR
from the Nineteenth Street Baptist Church, these former
slaves set themselves apart and formed the Fifth Baptist
Church of Washington, DC. They called as their pastor the
Reverend John Henry Brooks, a former Union army wagon MARCH
driver. Sunday, March 3 3:00PM
We visit Riverside Baptist Church
Over the past one hundred fifty-two years, the Fifth Baptist Rev. J Madison Thomas Jr, Pastor
Church has done some growing and some changing. We
have grown in number and we have changed many things, Tuesday, March 12 7:00PM
including our name to Vermont Avenue Baptist Church. In We visit Shiloh Baptist Church of
the midst of the astonishing growth and change, some Alexandria
things have remained persistently the same.
Sunday, March 17 10:45AM
Through God’s grace and mercy, we continue to be a Deacon/Deaconess Day
church led by the spirit, directed and focused on the will of
God and committed to the cause of lifting the name of Sunday, March 17 3:00PM
Jesus. Praising God for the gift of constancy that has kept We visit St. Luke Baptist Church
our light burning, as a city set on a hill, guiding the lost, the Rev. Aubrey Lewis, Pastor
disinherited and those in search of salvation to Him.
Sunday, March 24 3:00PM
We have so much for which to be thankful! SC Club presents
Minister Bonnie Burnett in Concert
Message From Our Pastor………………...……Page 2 Wednesday, April 3 7:00PM
Guest Article……………...………………………Page 3 We visit Gethsemane Baptist Church
Youth Corner……………………………..……Page 4-5
Hymn History…………………………………...…Page 6 Friday, April 12 7:00PM
Special Message……………………………..….Page 7 Easter Cantata
Special Announcements………………………Page 8
Recommended Reading……………………...Page 8 HOLY WEEK
Will be published in April’s Edition