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A Letter from the Executive Director
Hello, and thank you for taking the time to look at our fall programming. We are doing our best to be there for you as we work our way through 2020.
Unfortunately, the Joliet Park District has been crippled by the COVID-19 pandemic. The government mandated Executive Order in March forced the Joliet Park District to close 15 facilities, 70+ community parks and cancel countless programs and special events throughout Joliet, including the Taste of Joliet. Over 160,000 Joliet residents, from early childhood users to seniors, did not have access to their recreation center, special recreation programs, fitness facility, or preschool classes. Additionally, because of these closures, the Joliet Park District was forced to lay off/furlough over 450 staff members. The expenses related to COVID, the loss of revenue from facility closures, and cancelled programming has truly devastated the District.
The Joliet Park District is unique in that we only receive 30% of our funding from taxes – the remaining 70% comes from user fees. As a result, mandated cancellations and closures make operations next to impossible. We have applied for a number of federal assistance programs, only to find out that as a government agency, we do not qualify.
For over 98 years, the Joliet Park District has played a vital role in providing recreation opportunities to our community. This pandemic has taken away our ability to provide these crucial services to our residents. The Joliet Park District is proud to serve the City of Joliet and the surrounding communities, and we take enormous pride in our ability to provide quality recreational programming and events that promote healthy, active lifestyles to enhance the quality of life for our community members. We believe that the services we provide are more important now than ever.
What a crazy year. We hope that you and those you love are safe and healthy, and that we will see you soon.
Brad Staab Executive Director
Board of Commissioners
Commissioners are elected by Joliet Park District residents to serve staggered terms without compensation. They have the responsibility to develop policies which provide direction for the operation of the parks, facilities and recreation programs. The Board also hires the Executive Director, who in turn hires the staff which manages the various departments of the Joliet Park District. The Board of Commissioners meets on the fourth Monday of each month at Inwood Athletic Club, 3000 W. Jefferson Street,
at 5 pm. The public is invited to attend.
Pictured left to right:
Sue Gulas, President; Joe Clement, Vice President; Jennifer Jobe-Gavin, Commissioner; Kevin Paul, Commissioner; Bill Tatro, Commissioner