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The Bronx Institute at Lehman College • Bronx GEAR UP Network
Dear GEAR UP Students and Families:
As you make the transition into the ninth and tenth grade, you may feel overwhelmed by your increased responsibilities. You are encountering a myriad of concerns, and college is looming over the horizon. However, remember that starting high school is an exciting step forward in your academic journey. The most important thing is to always have your goals squarely in view. Your college needs to be a main priority for you from the beginning. Don’t assume you can have a slow start and catch up later. Put every effort needed to graduate and get into the college you want by putting your best foot forward. Concentrate and give your best performance in all of your classes from the beginning. If you do not understand a question, ask your teacher and be sure to attend extra help after school.
Always keep in mind that your GEAR UP Academic Coaches are here to answer any questions you may have, as well as your local school counselor. All of us here at The Bronx Institute are committed to having the next four years be as beneficial and productive as possible. If you give it your absolute best, you will excel in your schoolwork and succeed at going to college at the end of these four years.
Congratulations on your hard work getting you to this point in your educational career. We are all proud of your accomplishments and we will support you in making your goal of going to college come true.
Professor Herminio Martínez, Ph.D. Executive Director
The Bronx Institute
“The mission of The Bronx Institute at Lehman College is to enhance
The Bronx
Institute Vision ”
educational opportunity for K-20 students in The Bronx by promoting college
readiness and academic enrichment through a series of unique programs.
The Institute collaborates with cultural and scientific institutions, community
groups, and educators throughout New York City, with the goal of improving
educational outcomes for Bronx students and their families.
Professor Herminio Martínez, Ph.D. Executive Director Bruce Irushalmi Deputy Director
Martha Atencio Assistant Director
Nicholas Smith Editor Alberto Méndez Designer
Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs (GEAR UP) is a nationwide effort funded by the United States Department of Education on behalf of students from low income communities to support them from sixth grade, through high school and the first year of college, as they prepare to enter college. The Bronx Institute’s Bronx GEAR UP Network serves 2,250 students in a community with among the highest educational needs in the nation. Predominantly Hispanic and African American students from eight Bronx high schools will be provided with support and assistance to achieve academic suc- cess and overcome barriers to college.
The Bronx Institute Bronx GEAR UP Network