Page 24 - PC Tax RFP
P. 24
Successful Similar Project Form
1. Project title and Location: American Strategic Insurance Office Building and Parking Garage. 1 ASI Way, St Petersburg, Florida
2.Project Description: This project was a Build to Suit facility constructed for American Strategic Insurance. Phase 1 of the project consisted of the construction of a 3 story, 151,294 SF Class “A” office building. Phase 2 consisted of the construction of a 794 car precast parking structure. The project site consists of over 13 acres, and was once the site of a K-mart store. The Perry Company demolished the K-mart and all associated construction, and redeveloped the site into a Class “A” development. The building is a tilt wall structure, and is constructed to withstand 155mph wind loads and is intended to serve as a claims center and main corporate office. The building, parking structure, and future building all have 100% generator backup, with a 7-day onsite fuel storage tank. This project was constructed under the same building codes as a “critical use” facility, such as a hospital or an evacuation center, and is designed to be able to reopen immediately after a catastrophic direct hit hurricane event to the St Petersburg area. Phase 3 of the project, scheduled to start in late 2013, will consist of another 151,294 SF office building, and an amphitheater style outdoor meeting area for company events.
3.Owner’s Name: American Strategic Insurance
Owner Contact Person/Phone No.: Chris Eastman, (727) 803-8276
4. Architect/Engineer of Record: CSJM Architects Architect/Engineer Contact Person/Phone No. Calvin Samuel, (727) 823-0220
5. Project Costs (include Project Total Sq. Ft. & Cost per Sq. Ft.): The total project cost was $21,942,115.00. The building is 151,294 SF and the cost per SF was $1145.03/SF. This includes the cost of the parking structure.
6. Was construction completed within budget (if not, provide explanation)? The project will be completed within budget. 7. Project Duration: (Dates): Construction Start Date: July 2012 Completion Date: April 15, 2013
8. Was construction completed within schedule (if not, provide explanation)? The project will be completed on schedule. What was the original construction completion date? April 15, 2013
9. Location of office performing work: Ybor City, Florida
10. Was applicant the prime contractor or subcontractor? The Perry Company served as the Prime Contractor.
11. What work was performed in-house? Miscellaneous site work, layout, door installation
12. Type/Scope of services provided. The Perry Company served as the General Contractor for the project and coordinated/ supervised all aspects of construction.
13. Names of key team personnel for this project. John Hermes - Project Manager, Robert Swezey - Project Superintendent, Richard Adams - Preconstruction Structural Engineer
14. Which members of your proposed team worked on this project? John Hermes, Robert Swezey and Richard Adams.