Page 28 - PC Tax RFP
P. 28

 Successful Similar Project Form
1. Project title and Location: Hillsborough County Tax Collector- West County Facility, 4100 West Martin Luther King. Jr. Boule- vard Tampa, Florida 33614
2.Project Description: Construction of a 25,000 SF single story tilt wall office building and retail center for the Hillsborough County Tax Collector. The building was constructed as a hardened facility with hurricane resistance substantially above and beyond current building code.
3.Owner’s Name: Hillsborough County Tax Collectors Office Owner Contact Person/Phone No.: Doug Belden (813) 220-3222
4. Architect/Engineer of Record: Edge Architecture
Architect/Engineer Contact Person/Phone No. Carl Young (727) 576-4500
5. Project Costs (include Project Total Sq. Ft. & Cost per Sq. Ft.): Total Construction cost, including site work, was $3,551,193. The building was 25,000 SF, and the cost per SF was $142
6. Was construction completed within budget (if not, provide explanation)? Yes
7. Project Duration: (Dates): Construction Start Date: December 2014 Completion Date: August 2015
8. Was construction completed within schedule (if not, provide explanation)? The project was completed ahead of schedule What was the original construction completion date? April 2014
9. Location of office performing work: 1814 N. 15th St. Tampa, Florida
10. Was applicant the prime contractor or subcontractor? The Perry Company served as the Prime Contractor.
11. What work was performed in-house? All layout work, establishing control lines, design coordination, door and hardware installation, and punch-out.
12. Type/Scope of services provided. The Perry Company served as the General Contractor for the project and coordinated/ supervised all aspects of construction. Edge Architecture served as the project Architect.
13. Names of key team personnel for this project. John Hermes - Project Manager, Carl Young - Architect of Record , Richard Adams - Structural Engineer, Todd Wilson - Mechanical and Plumbing Engineer
14. Which members of your proposed team worked on this project? John Hermes, Carl Young, Todd Wilson, Jim Glover and Richard Adams.

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