Page 49 - PC Tax RFP
P. 49

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To the Stockholder The Perry Compan 1814 North 15th Str Tampa, Florida 336
    of 7th Avenue, Inc.
 We hav Avenue, income, includes making i an audit stateme
reviewe Inc. (an “S changes in
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ocedures nt. A revi xpression
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ment’s financial dat tantially less in scope ion regarding the fin
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nd fair presentation es generally accept ng, and maintaining
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 Our res for Acco Account assuran stateme our repo
onsibility is to condu unting and Review S nts. Those standar
e that there are no ts. We believe that t
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obtain li to the fin onable ba
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Based o made to accounti
n our revi the accom
ng principl
w, we are not awar panying financial stat s generally accepted
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Alvarez Company, P.A., CPA Firm Apollo Beach, Florida
May 6, 2015
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