Page 9 - Demo
P. 9

Beauty Blenders are amazing, however, you cannot use the same one on multiple clients as it is impossible to completely disinfect them in between clients without deep cleaning. Bacteria grow in moist environments, and a Beauty Blender (or any sponge) is the perfect breeding ground for it. You should try to only use disposable sponges, and keep an inventory of beauty blenders so that you have enough for multiple clients throughout an appointment or day. Deep clean Beauty Blenders after the appointment by using soap and water (or any brush cleanser), and then spray with an antibacterial solution. Do not store Beauty Blenders in ziplock bags if they are wet or dirty. Always leave them out to dry or else bacteria will grow (there are also little carrying cases specifically for Beauty Blenders that allow them to breathe).
 Your workspace must always be tidy and sanitized prior to setting it up, in between clients, and after you are done. You never want to be the makeup artist that does a wonderful job on the makeup, but fails to uphold proper hygienic and sanitation practices. Always clean and disinfect as you go. Use a clean paper towel or clean cloth to wipe surfaces, and then use disinfectant spray or rubbing alcohol to clean the area. Never reuse a cloth or towel that has not been washed. The surface must stay visibly wet for 10 minutes for the cleaning solution to get rid of all pathogens, so make sure to leave some time for this. Travel with Lysol wipes and 70% alcohol spray to wipe down and sanitize your kit. Also, it is important to get rid of any disposable products and empty your garbage so that your station is fully cleared and prepared for your next client.
Finally, maintaining your personal hygiene and keeping sanitized hands is extremely important. Always wash hands thoroughly before each client, and use a hand sanitizer in front of your clients so that they know your hands are clean. Do not touch your own face, hair, or body in any way while you are working on a client. Some makeup artists like to use their hands on the client’s face, and this is completely fine as long as you are being extremely careful about keeping them clean and avoid touching anything else that is not already clean (this is another reason as to why your entire kit and workspace must also be kept sanitized). You must also maintain clean nails.
You must wear a face mask, and have hand sanitizer readily available. You must also remove any self-serve coffee machines and water, as well as candy jars, and magazines that multiple people would typically touch. Take extra steps to maintain optimal sanitation.

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