Page 95 - Demo
P. 95

  Defeat your fears: Realize that you will never get to the next level if you hold on to fears and don’t believe in yourself. Things must change NOW! Don’t wait to take action.
Change the Narrative! You can do anything you want! Your past doesn’t equal your future. You can do anything right NOW. Move forward doing what you want to do starting TODAY!
Money comes so easily to me, I have a great relationship with money.
I am so successful, and clients will always come easily to me.
I will help so many people look and feel their absolute best. This is my mission.
Write these down on sticky notes, put them around your house, read them and say them out loud over and over every day. This will train your brain to believe these positive affirmations.
Try it yourself!
5 minute meditation: sit and think about what you want and envision it.You can sit in the morning before doing anything else, close your eyes, and think about what I want. Think about how I feel that day. Picture what you want. Manifest your dreams.
A board where you put together things that you dream of having/doing. Don’t have any limitations with this!
Let's get started together! Cut out some inspiration and put it below.
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