Page 103 - PDP Manifesto 2018
P. 103
102 MANIFESTO : 2018
“Water is the most important natural, economic and life-sustaining resource and we must ensure that it is available
in abundance to meet the increasing demands. Present and future generations will have assured access to adequate, safe and a ordable water to maintain and enhance the quality of their lives and the integrity of natural ecosystems.”
e NWC would be responsible for formulating a National Water Master Plan. Bhutan has an arable land of only 7.8% of its total land area. Of the total arable land, only a meager 12.5% is irrigated which shows the extent of the need to manage water. Bhutan has a rich river system but the main source of drinking water is water catchment areas or the natural watersheds many of which are drying up. So there is an urgent need to have a water master plan and to implement it.
7.3 Bhutan for Life
governments of developing countries a transition fund over an agreed time frame, giving them time to build up capacity
and organize internal funding sources to manage protected areas in perpetuity. Bhutan for Life initiative will provide the Bhutanese government with a US$ 40 million transition fund until 2030 to build up and e ectively manage a robust network of protected areas and wildlife corridors, covering 51% of the country. is network will protect and restore wildlife—including endangered elephants, tigers, elusive
snow leopards, and critically endangered white-bellied herons; contribute to rural economic development and the wellbeing of the Bhutanese people. It will support robust climate mitigation and adaptation measures. e impacts will extend far beyond Bhutan’s borders to the millions of people who rely on the region’s rivers, and will elevate Bhutan across the world as an example of permanent forest protection and climate resilience.
7.4 Green Bhutan
e PDP shall upscale and enhance the Green Bhutan Initiative. In June 2014,
the PDP government launched the project, Green Bhutan. is national project focuses in beautifying towns all over Bhutan. e project also focuses on inculcating the culture of growing trees among the general populace. As a global environmental leader, it falls on Bhutan to
e PDP shall strengthen the Bhutan for Life Initiative. It is a partnership project between Bhutan and WWF, on Project Finance for Permanence (PFP) model. PFP is an innovative approach to sustainably nance the long-term protection of important ecosystems around the world. Borrowing tactics from private nance, one of its trademarks is a single closing deal in which all partners come together
to sign and agree to full funding. It o ers