Page 79 - PDP Manifesto 2018
P. 79
We shall invest in entrepreneurship development trainings to equip our youth with necessary business skills to initiate startups for self-employment. We shall provide low interest loans to enable individuals to start businesses both in rural and urban areas.
We shall enable dzongkhags and gewog administrations to create employment through various projects such as SMEs.
We shall enhance social protection and safety net for employees in the private sector.
We shall ensure all salaried employees are covered under the Pension and Provident Fund scheme.
We shall empower youth with disabilities and enable them to live with dignity through entrepreneurship trainings, provision of low interest loans and special allowances.
We shall provide guaranteed jobs for students and graduate youth living with disabilities and youth with special needs.
We shall promote and support engagement of youth in performing arts and provide nancial support for youth music bands, youth professional sports clubs, and youth in creative industries.
We shall invest in Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) to o er a diverse range of industry related skills to our young people.
We shall introduce diploma programs in the TVET sector and upgrade some TTIs to vocational colleges.
We shall ensure that at least 90% of the TVET graduates are employed within six months to one year after graduation from TVET institutes.
We shall create entrepreneurial opportunities in the agriculture sector targeting import substitution and creating jobs at the same time.