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 TEEN Mini-Study
What Was Christ Really Like?
[Originally from Youth Magazine – May 1983 – this copy edited by the Bible Fund editors, March 2020]
Instructions: The format of these mini studies is similar to that of the Bible On-Line Study Course. Look up and read in your Bible the scripture references given in answer to the questions. Comments following the questions further explain the scriptures just read. That’s all there is to it! (These studies are based on the King James Version of the Bible, unless otherwise stated.)
What was the historical, literal Jesus Christ of the Bible really like? Was He the pale, weak, long- haired, effeminate-looking man pictured by artists centuries after His death?
It may come as a surprise, but this is not the Christ described in the Bible! The real Jesus was a rugged, dynamic individual who radiated true manliness – someone who would command our respect if we met Him today.
He spoke with an unmistakable ring of authority in His voice. He had great wisdom and knowledge, yet remained humble, warm, easy to get along with, nice to know!
In previous studies, we learned that Jesus Christ was the Word (Spokesman) who existed with God (the Father) from eternity as the second member of the all-powerful God Family (John 1:1-3). Together they planned and created the entire universe.
But the Word divested Himself of His former glory and came down to this earth as a human being to give His life in payment for the sins of mankind (Philippians 2:5-8; John 1:14, 3:6; Romans 5:8-9). He was miraculously begotten in the virgin Mary and born as the human Jesus, the Son of God (Matthew 1:18-21).
In a previous study we learned of the historical proof that Jesus Christ was a real person who lived and taught more than 1,900 years ago. In this study we’ll learn the plain truth about what the most important person in all human history was really like!
But, before beginning this eye-opening study, be sure to get your Bible, a pen or pencil and some paper. This is so you can read and write out the Bible verses that answer the questions asked in this study.
1. What was Jesus like as a young person? Luke 2:40, 52. Was He obedient to His parents? Verse 51. Was He exceptionally intelligent? Verses 42, 46-47. As an adult, were people

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