Page 18 - Bible CC Lesson 8
P. 18

This quiz is designed to help you remember the important facts you learned in the lesson. You simply circle or underline each correct answer. After you’ve finished the test, check your choices with the correct answers at the end of this lesson, and then rate yourself.
1. The Greek word baptizo, from which the English word “baptize” is derived, means
A. to sprinkle.
B. to pour.
C. both to sprinkle, and to pour.
D. to immerse, plunge into, or put into.
2. Sprinkling and pouring are
A. forms of baptism which are just as acceptable to God as complete immersion in water.
B. incorrect methods of baptism which were introduced by men.
C. words mentioned in the Bible, therefore they are valid forms of baptism. D. the methods of baptism practiced by the true Church of God today.
3. Jesus was baptized
A. by pouring.
B. by sprinkling.
C. because He was a repentant sinner.
D. by total immersion in water as an example for us to follow.
4. Water baptism
A. is an outward sign of one’s repentance and submission to God B. does not represent the burial of the old sinful self
C. is a form of initiation into a church.
D. is the means by which our sins are forgiven.
5. What must the repentant believe before baptism?
A. That Christ is their Savior ‒ that’s all
B. Christ’s “gospel,” which includes not only believing on Him as our personal Savior, but also as the King Of the coming Kingdom of God.

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