Page 4 - Why Keep the Eighth Commandment?
P. 4

 In God’s sight, those who are trustworthy in the smallest things can be trusted with greater responsibilities. Even small, seemingly unimportant deeds such as telling a store clerk about an undercharged item or returning excess change, are noticed by God. And bosses, parents, teachers and friends can’t help but notice someone who is consistently honest – who resists the temptation to steal even the smallest of items. Promotions, higher pay and other opportunities flow to such people.
A man known for his integrity and honesty was Abraham Lincoln, the 16th president of the United States. As a young store clerk, Mr. Lincoln is said to have walked more than two miles one night to return 6 1⁄2 cents to a woman he had accidently overcharged.
Harry S. Truman, another former president of the United States, was careful to avoid taking even the smallest items that were not his. He reportedly refused to use government stationary or stamps for strictly private matters.
6. Will those who work diligently to obtain their needs, rather than steal to get them, suffer from poverty or hunger? Proverbs 12:11. Just how much effort should we put into everything that we do? Ecclesiastes 9:10.
To become successful requires determination, diligence, sacrifice and hard work. But many are unwilling to put forth this kind of effort to obtain what they want. Instead, many resort to playing the angles, cheating and outright stealing.
Those who practice the principle in Ecclesiastes 9:10 not only experience material blessings, they don’t have to live with the fears and worries of those who obtain things illegally.
7. What should a person caught in the grip of cheating or stealing do? Ephesians 4:28. Should he also seek advice and counsel? Proverbs 11:14; 12:15.
If you are finding it difficult to be honest, the first thing to do is face up to it by admitting it to yourself. Then seek wise counsel from your parents, minister or another respected person. Finding someone to confide in and asking for help can be of great benefit.
Above all, ask God for help. He is more than willing to give us the strength necessary to overcome any harmful habit, including stealing, if we ask Him (Matthew 7:7-8).
8. Will there be any thieves in the coming Kingdom of God? 1 Corinthians 6:9-10. What will become of those who refuse to obey God’s commandments? Revelation 21:8. But will those who sincerely strive to keep the commandments receive eternal life as sons of God? Matthew 19:16-17; Revelation 21:7.
God has promised membership in His Family to those who strive to obey Him in everything they do. As members of His universe-ruling Family, they will live and rule with God and Christ forever.

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