Page 15 - The Bible Online Lesson CC03
P. 15

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13 - T 14 - F 15 - F 16 - I
17 - F 18 - H 19 - E 20 - C
13 – 15 Correct 16 – 18 Correct 19 – 20 Correct
Fair Good Excellent
1. World peace is possible
A. only if all the nations are brought together under a supreme world government.  B. if Christ could be preached to all the nations. 
C. if the arms race were stopped. 
D. only through the United Nations.
2. World government
A. will never become a reality. 
B. is a total impossibility under present world conditions. 
C. is very possible under the present moral, social and political climate.  D. is merely an absurd myth-an idle pipe dream of overly optimistic men.
3. How will a utopia of world peace and prosperity finally become reality?
A. By a worldwide revival in the churches. 
B. Through a greatly strengthened NATO and UN. 
C. By men deciding to cooperate with each other in all areas of life. 
D. Only through the coming divine, all-powerful government of God administered by Jesus Christ.
4. What is the "Millennium"?
A. The period of time the saints will spend in heaven after being resurrected. 
B. The period of church rule in Europe during the Middle Ages. 
C. The 1000-year period of God's rule on earth beginning when Jesus Christ returns.  D. A spiritual condition in the hearts of men.
5. Cities in the Millennium
A. will be rebuilt to God's specifications.  B. have absolutely no industry. 

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