Page 26 - The Bible Online -CC07
P. 26

11. The natural or “carnal mind” (Rom 8:7), influenced by Satan’s “broadcasting,” is not
A. Vain.
B. Selfish and greedy.
C. Respectful and obedient to God’s authority.
D. Self-centered, but always concerned about the welfare of others.
12. Real repentance
A. Must involve a deeply sincere and heartfelt abhorrence of one’s past sins.
B. Is not something God must grant.
C. Is being thankful you are so “good” that you can see and accept God’s truth.
D. Is taught by the churches of this world.
13. Repentance
A. Involves merely going to church once a week.
B. Involves giving one’s life in total obedience and service to God.
C. Is a matter of giving up everything that is good for us.
D. And conversion do not make possible our right use of God’s material creation through the guidance of His laws and Holy Spirit.
14. What is the Bible definition of “righteousness”?
A. God’s commandments and our keeping of them.
B. Following the dictates of human nature.
C. Following the ways of this world’s societies.
D. Doing what comes naturally.
15. Who are justified before God?

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