Page 20 - Just What Is the Purpose and Mission of The Church Pt.
P. 20

“Repeatedly, all through the Bible – especially in the New Testament, we are warned that our REAL ENEMY is Satan! He tries to get our minds OFF of our B I G Commission, by getting them on physical and material things that loom up as MUCH more important ... until we CAN’T SEE THE REAL ISSUE.”
“That which we have been called to PREPARE THE WAY FOR – the coming of CHRIST with all the SUPREME POWER AND GLORY of the CREATOR GOD, as the KING of kings and LORD or lords, will soon come. Satan’s time will be up.”
“Then we shall, if loyal NOW to God’s Government, rule ALL NATIONS under, and with Christ, each having our part in that GOVERNMENT, and working with and under Christ as our HIGH PRIEST in then SAVING THE WHOLE WORLD, with no Satan around to attack us!”
—Herbert W. Armstrong, letter to brethren,  18 March 1974.
“Satan will never let up trying to DESTROY the Work of the living God. It’s all recorded in the Bible – in prophecy. I have looked into God’s Book to see how it all comes out at the end – and I find that WE (in God) WIN!”
—Herbert W. Armstrong, letter to brethren,  April 18, 1984
SATAN CAN OVERTHROW THE GOVERNMENT OF GOD ON EARTH  “... I have frequently been pressured to compromise – ‘just a little’ – with God’s TRUTH.”
“Nevertheless, if we begin to compromise with God’s TRUTH, even in the smallest, slightest manner, we have allowed Satan to get a foot into the door of the Church, and soon he will push open the door (he is stronger than we) and take over the whole Church.”
—”Personal from Herbert W. Armstrong,”  Good News, December 1976
“I want you, brethren, to think about and understand what happened to God’s Church in
the 1970s lest history repeat itself!”
“Most of the dissension of the past in the Church has been over the matter of government. The dissenters believe in a very liberal government – the way of Satan and his world. The whole purpose of the Gospel is to call those chosen by God out of this world and its ways into the ways of God. God’s government is based on God’s law. All government, even in the world’s nations, is based on a foundation of law.”

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