Page 25 - Just What Is the Purpose and Mission of The Church Pt.
P. 25

the particular party ... to which one belongs. One would fear to be disloyal, lest the others in this factional group consider him a traitor ...”
“Yes, it is human to fear the society to which we have become attached in the way that we should fear the Creator God!”
—Herbert W. Armstrong,  “Why God Is Not Real to Most People,”  Worldwide Church of God article reprint.
“The Word of God clearly teaches us that there is but the ONE Spirit, and the ONE Body. (1 Cor. 12:12-13, 20).”
“That ONE BODY of Christ, carrying on HIS WORK, must function as a UNIT. It must work in harmony and unity, with teamwork, for God is not the author of confusion. There must be no pulling off in different directions by different men in that one Body. There must be no competition, or division. And anyone who knowingly promotes, or encourages anyone in promoting, such disharmony, competition, and division, becomes the enemy of God, and serving the devil and not God!
“In order that this ONENESS – this UNITY of purpose and action – this HARMONY and cooperative teamwork, be maintained and preserved in GOD’S WORK, God has ordained GOVERNMENT IN HIS CHURCH. And He has empowered His Church with DIVINE AUTHORITY.
—Herbert W. Armstrong,  “Must God’s Ministers Be Ordained  by the Hand of Man?”  Good News, October 1962.
“... the one and only true CHURCH is NOT an ORGANIZATION OF MEN, but a SPIRITUAL ORGANISM. Yet that fact does not preclude organization.”
“This spiritual organism is the ‘Body of Christ’ existing for the PURPOSE of carrying on THE WORK OF GOD.”
“If every individual in it goes out alone, independently, trying to carry out the entire divine Commission in whatever way he sees fit, we shall have confusion, a house divided against itself ...”
“Christ has, indeed, ORGANIZED HIS CHURCH, SO FITLY joined together as a physical building put together with the precision of every part of the most expert craftsmen.”

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