Page 9 - CASA Bulletin 2019 Vol6 No2
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surpasses the less than 1% labor analgesia rate in China prior to NPLD-GHI’s intervention.
Over the years, a few things have amazed me about No Pain Labor & Delivery - Global Health Initiatives (NPLD-GHI) to China . First, its Founder and Director — Dr . Ling Qun Hu (Associate Professor of Anesthesiology at Northwestern University) — had the foresight and the persistence to use a stepwise EDUCATION model for not only health care providers, but also for patients to “forge” his GHI. Second, NPLD’s longevity and astounding momentum; it never is easy to keep such a grand vision going, especially for ten years — many times visions simply just fizzle out after the initial period of excitement wanes. Third, the fact that there is a core group of providers who volunteer year after year, which has allowed NPLD-GHI to stay focused for so long . Fourth, I am always impressed by the sheer degree of planning that goes into the conferences and lectures, logistics, and communication that occurs prior to each GHI, as well as, the follow-up afterwards .
It has been said that partaking in any global health initiative is definitely an eye opener. Words on paper cannot express my feelings about how personally and professionally rewarding these initiatives have been for me . There is no mistake that medical volunteering is an exhausting, challenging endeavor that has numerous tangible and intangible benefits. We work hard, train hard, but do have fun, make new friends and connect with “old” friends all while helping people, who need and appreciate our efforts and expertise . I am truly honored to have been affiliated with and participated in Dr. Ling Qun Hu’s No Pain Labor and Delivery - Global Health Initiative for the past nine years and am looking forward to 2019’s GHI .
On this auspicious occasion of celebrating NPLD-GHI’s 10th mission year, I wish to take time to reflect and to give thanks to my fellow Stony Brook - SOM colleagues, who have joined me over the years, for donating their time and effort as NPLD-GHI volunteers . They have helped make a difference for many mothers and their babies in China: Matthew Neal (2010), Erin Brown (2011), Yuchen Liu (2012), Meng Wang (2013), and Connie Yu (2013).
Reproduced from SleepTalker August 2018
中文译文请见:“中国行”里程碑:十年共风雨,携手新征程 斯特拉齐奥 医生 无痛分娩中国行 https://mp .weixin .qq .com/s/voGcVYL4-HMkgR4D0rMlpQ
Francis S . Stellaccio, MD 弗兰  . 斯特拉齐奥 医生
斯特拉齐奥医生在纽约州立大学石溪分校的医学中心工作,喜欢麻醉的气道管理,也专 门进修了产科麻醉。在温州站、台州站和宁波站,他重点放在产妇的气道安全,给当地 的医生们讲授或演示困难气道的处理以及预见性方案  . . . . .( 请读译文)
Vol.6, No.2, 2019

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