Page 21 - CASA Bulletin of Anesthesiology 2019 Issue 1
P. 21
as vasopressin.
10. Know your instruments
Depending on an anesthesia technician to figure out instrument problems can be annoying. For example, we sometime noticed lungs getting over inflated while we asked to stop ventilation. In reality, one of the valves just needed to be opened on the machine.
11. OR schedule changes
It is not uncommon that surgeries can be delayed due to emergencies, prolonged cases or staff shortages. Most surgeons understand such delay. Early notice can prevent a surgeon from driving to the hospital just to find out that his/her case cannot start in a few hours.
12. Earn your respect
Like many medical practices, a good surgeon or anesthesiologist needs to exercise good judgement and good skill which might need years of experience. However, to gain respect from colleagues, he/she also needs a good personality and integrity, such as a willingness to work hard, the ability to take criticisms, responsibilities and risks, not to make decisions based on personal gain or loss.
In summary, good relationship between anesthesia and surgeons are based on good communication, mutual respect and trust with a common goal to improve quality of the patient care. It is also important to win your respect from colleagues. It may take a while to accomplish but it is important for the health of the program and patient safety.
Vol.6, No.1,2019
The firsT surgery and anesThesia
The firsT surgery and anesThesia was menTioned in The BiBle aT The firsT Book "genesis." “and The lord god caused a deep sleep To fall upon adam, and he slepT: and he Took one of his riBs, and closed up The flesh insTead Thereof;” genesis 2:21. Before god removed one of adam’s riBs (surgery), he puT him inTo a deep sleep (equivalenT of anesThesia). god was The firsT surgeon and The firsT anesThesiologisT.
“sir James young simpson (1811-1870), pioneered modern anesThesiology Through his discovery of “chloroform” in 1847. he sTaTed ThaT his research was inspired By The “deep sleep” ThaT adam was puT inTo.” (“america’s, god and counTry, encyclopedia of quoTaTions” By william J. federer).