Page 33 - CASA Bulletin of Anesthesiology 2019 Issue 1
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1. Joana Figueiredo, Soraia Melo, Patrícia Carneiro1, et al: Clinical spectrum and pleiotropic nature of CDH1 germline mutations. Journal of medical genetics: eJMG. ,2019
2. Wenyi Luo, Faysal Fedda, Patrick Lynch, et al. CDH1 Gene and Hereditary Diffuse Gastric Cancer Syndrome: Molecular and Histological Alterations and Implications for Diagnosis and Treatment. Front Pharmacol. 2018; 9: 1421.
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5. Shuo Huang, Zhen-Ni Guo, Mingchao Shi, et al. Etiology and pathogenesis of Moyamoya
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7. Jang HunKim, Taek-HyunKwon, Jong HyunKim, et al. Intracranial Aneurysms in Adult Moyamoya Disease. World Neurosurgery. 2018; Vol 109, Pages e175-e182.
8. Michael Scott, Edward Smith. Moyamoya disease and Moyamoya syndrome. The N Eng. J. Med. 2009; 360:1226-37.
9. Ishiguro, Taichi; Okada, Yoshikazu; Ishikawa, Tatsuya, et al. Correction to: Efficacy of superficial temporal artery-middle cerebral artery double bypass in patients with hemorrhagic moyamoya disease: surgical effects for operated hemispheric sides. Neurosurg Rev. 2019; Jan 4.
10.Beye A, Pindur G. Clinical significance of factor V Leiden and prothrombin G20210A- mutations in cerebral venous thrombosis - comparison with arterial ischemic stroke. Clin Hemorheol Microcirc. 2017; 67(3-4):261-266.
11.Adeline Heraudeau, Aure´lien Delluc, Mickae¨l Le Henaff et al. Risk of venous thromboembolism in association with factor V leiden in cancer patients – The EDITH case-control study. PLoS One. 2018; 13(5): e0194973.
12.Tariq Parray, Timothy Martin, Sarif Siddiqui. Moyamoya disease: A review of the disease and anesthetic management. J Neurosurg Anesthesiol 2011; 23: 100-109.
Vol.6, No.1,2019