Page 42 - MLD Book
P. 42

the course of the year, he realized that people were going to me instead of to him. That, like Erdman later, was totally his fault because he did not like dealing with people and was totally disinterested in their problems. So they had to have somebody who cared and listened. That sort of action came to a head on September 11, when he not only didn’t conduct services of consolation that day, but also was totally disinterested in counseling anyone about it, especially kids. I was the one who had to open up the church that day to allow the kids from St. Francis School to come in and pray. And so began the era of jealousy than began escalating towards the end of 2001.
One of his goals as stated in the Rector Report of 2001 was to “liberate Margaret, Callie, and Susan from constant doorbell and telephone interruptions.” His idea was to hire a receptionist to relieve us. In truth, he couldn’t stand the fact that all three of us were doing his pastoral work, as he was unwilling or unable to do it. And so he dug up a poor soul and hired her – I have tried so hard to forget all this crap that I literally forget her name. Oh yes, now I thought of it – Judy Shively! She actually because good friends with us because he was not approachable, and of course she didn’t know what to say to phone calls and what to do at the door. She had lots of problems and was going through a divorce, and she ended up being way more work for us than if he had left well enough alone! I think we did make HER life a little better by caring, though. The only thing he and I ever really agreed on was that he proposed letting Help Ministries be based in Parker Hall!!! And that only got shot down because some vestry members thought it would ruin the rug!!!
After he hired Judy, things got worse, and he perceived that she was confiding in us as to how impossible he was. He confronted her and asked whose side she was on! On December 4, he plopped down in my office and said the following, which I wrote down after he left:
I am at a low point.
I am the wrong person for this job. This is the fault of the search committee. The big mistake was that they did not pick up on the way I do liturgy.
I am shocked that the staff goes to vestry retreat.
The worship committee members are afraid to say things with you sitting there.
You are the one in power here, and the rector should be in power. People go to you, not me. Evidently the congregation told Ben what to do and he did it. I am not like that.
If you were not around, it would certainly free up a lot of things for me.
I throw up my hands. EXIT
Other than dealing with Polk, this was the year that we realized that the Sherifi refugee placement had been such a success. They were firmly established and totally independent, so when KRM called us, we agreed to take on the Lost Boys of Sudan. This was indeed another very rewarding experience, and other people like the Lyndrups stepped up to lead the way in getting them settled. We have since then assisted in a couple of other refugee placements (one that had to remain secret due to where she came from for fear of reprisals!), and we are currently working with Maha and Cornerstone too in providing food bags as needed.
Polk became increasingly angered that people would stay for the postlude and clap when it wasover.Soheissuedthreeedicts: NOCHOIRPRAYER

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