Page 63 - MLD Book
P. 63

surprise. Jerry even made a Bach Seal that we hung on the rail! January 10, 2012 was the
kickoff lecture recital, so read on!
Right out of the gate to begin the new year, the first Bach Lecture-Recital event was indeed launched at 7:30 pm on January 10. The Bach Haus can seat 70 and we nearly filled the place, as would be also the case in the succeeding concerts! What a great idea this turned outtobe. Justtoinvokeourmemoryanddocumentexactlywhathappenedinthisseries,I am going to list the title and performers of each of these fun and informative gatherings:
 Melvin would lecture for all of them, with one exception.
OPUS ONE January 10 Bach early influences and early works Performers: Theresa Bauer, Margaret Dickinson, Charlie Mitchell, Lisa Lewis, Glenna Metcalfe, Timothy Baker, Organists
Professor Melvin Dickinson, Lecturer, with Maria and Michelle video
OPUSTWO February14Bachearlyworks
Performers: Theresa Bauer, Timothy Baker, Glenna Metcalfe, Lisa Lewis, Margaret Dickinson
OPUSTHREE March13 BachworksWeimar 1708-1717 Performers: Theresa Bauer, Cliff Cason, Timothy Baker, Glenna Metcalfe, Margaret Dickinson
OPUS FOUR April 10 Bach works composed in Anhalt-Coethen 1717-1723 Performers: Dr. David Mulbury, Margaret Dickinson, Glenna Metcalfe, Theresa Bauer, Timothy Baker
OPUS FIVE May 8 Leipzig begins 1723...
Performers: Glenna Metcalfe, Dr. John Linker, Timothy Baker, Margaret Dickinson *
OPUS SIX June 12 More Leipzig
Performers: Margaret Dickinson, Glenna Metcalfe, Theresa Bauer, Timothy Baker *
OPUS SEVEN July 10 The Leipzig 18, 1-9
Performers: Dr. Frankie Nobert, Mac Fogle, Glenna Metcalfe,
Annette Herzel Sherden, Margaret Dickinson, Roland Herzel, Lisa Lewis, Timothy Baker, Ann Colbert Wade
OPUS EIGHT August 14 Leipzig 18, 10-18
Performers: Glenna Metcalfe, Lisa Lewis, Theresa Bauer, Timothy Baker,
Margaret Dickinson, Mac Fogle
OPUS NINE September 11 Additional Leipzig Organ Works
Performers: Dr. David Mulbury, Glenna Metcalfe, Margaret Dickinson, Lisa Lewis, Timothy Baker
OPUS TEN October 9 Klavieruebung First Group
Performers: Lisa Lewis, Theresa Bauer, Margaret Dickinson, Glenna Metcalfe , Dr. David Mulbury

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