Page 87 - MLD Book
P. 87
grateful for those. And of course there is increased use of texting and IPhone. All of this helps tremendously. I may secretly admit to not minding that I can’t attend certain meetings and parties in person! But it’s hard not to experience the two babies growing by leaps and bounds and not be able to hold them. Hopefully the end is closer with the development of the vaccine, unproven over time though it may not be.
As far as my organ playing goes, the pandemic has also impacted that, starting with my projected Lenten Recital on April 1 (joke I not and it was not!). The first two recitals and lunches in the series went off fine, but then came Covid 19, as it has become known, and all the rest were postponed. I recorded mine on Easter Sunday to an empty church as a kind of closure to the series. All services at Calvary are now live streamed (with recording adventures not to be believed), and I was organist for one in June when Shawn thought he had Covid, two in August, and played short recitals two different times live streamed as well.
I was supposed to play for Granddaughter Lindsey’s wedding in July. Restrictions were put into place, however, and crowd size mandates caused them to move to December 19. BUT then the Covid has very much worsened, and when the governor set 25 as the maximum for weddings, she knew it would not work. Right now it has been rescheduled for July 3, 2021! Looks as if I get out all my patriotic organ music. I will love that part, as I haven’t had an opportunity to use them at Calvary for a while. And as I write this (December 2), Joe’s
mother has died and all the family is descending, making social distancing for five days together and the funeral sanctioned for only 25 as real challenges.
Among the awful things in 2020 (in addition to all the politics and mask resistance espousing ME FIRST and screw your neighbor) was a terrifying incident at Joe Bishop’s restaurant Bungalow Joe’s on September 19. A guy was mad at his girlfriend supposedly, ran out of a nearby bar, burst
into Joe’s place and shot three customers dead. Horrible.
2020 is not quite finished yet, but this marks the finish of my “book” describing just a few of the many experiences I have gratefully (for the most part) had in association with Calvary Episcopal Church over the last 56 years. Suffice to say that I did not make ANY of it up! I
hope that it will serve as an historical document, in addition to giving you moments of humor, as well as moments of truth heretofore untold. I hope you have enjoyed reading it as much as I have enjoyed creating it. Long live Calvary Episcopal Church, and may it always live up to the tradition of fine music and feeding of the poor.