Page 4 - PUCM Malaysia China Entrepreneur Vol.00
P. 4

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   Chinese Love of the Perlis Regent
The Crown Prince and Crown Princess of Perlis have become good friends with the family of Dato’ Keith Li, the President of Persatuan Usahawan China di Malaysia (PUCM) for more than 16 years. Their friendship started with a simple exchange of festival messages and even since they had travelled to places together. This reflects that a true friendship can be established regardless of nationality, religion or social class, and later becomes a great example of friendship between China and Malaysia.
玻璃市州摄政王夫妇与马来西亚中国企业家联合会(PUCM)总会长拿督李中平一家十六年来从佳节互贺到把臂同游,一直 交情甚笃。这反映了真诚友谊的建立是可以不分国籍、宗教或者社会阶层,并且能成为马中友好的典范和佳话。
02 | PUCM 2nd Anniversary Issue

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