Page 61 - MDS final deliverable
P. 61

A range of sustainable products created by MDS participants
A sustainable product range, created by MDS participants for sale within or outside MDS. There is also an opportunity to start an e-commerce business or sell on existing websites like eBay and Etsy. This will create a real opportunity to teach participants a new skill (especially PTE and mental health participants) as well as generate income for them, while recycling and being sustainable.
Resources required: Training, 1x Operations Manager | Existing resources to use: eBay, Etsy,
Example of products: Re-using single sided paper to create paper products.
Scalability: This offering can be extended to creating other products and/or developing an e-commerce business selling existing products.
• Mental health participants are on the look out to learn new skills in order to go back to work. Their current physical and mental condition prevents them from going back to their old jobs. Creating a new business opportunity will help them get back into routine and start to feel ‘normal’ again.
• PTE students tend to be quite creative and seem to have a love for art or music. They feel happy and relaxed when doing these activities and feel a sense of achievement when they do so. PTE students are also on the lookout to upskill themselves as well as gain work experience during their time at MDS.
• Through the observations, it has been noted that there is a lot of paper currently being used. There is an opportunity to recycle the single sided paper into books or other artefacts.

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