Page 7 - MDS final deliverable
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An ideation workshop was held with the MDS leadership team, internal MDS staff from different departments, MDS participants and families and external stakeholders to capture a range of different perspectives and opinions. This was done to ensure buy in and involve key MDS stakeholders to be part of the solution ideation process. Using the five opportunity areas, the group was able to develop solutions to re-define the MDS customer journey and uncover new business opportunities for MDS.
The ideas were then consolidated by The Strategy Group into ten value added initiatives that MDS can deliver to its customers. These initiatives can help transform MDS’ overall customer experience and significantly increase customer satisfaction.
1. Re-purpose unused assets: Utilising existing assets as new revenue opportunities for MDS.
2. Buildasocialenterprise:Providingmeaningfulwork experience for MDS participants while expanding MDS’ revenue streams.
3. Startaweekend/holidayrespiteprogram:Socialising opportunities for participants and providing respite for families.
4. Designanddeployamasterclassseries:Workshopstoupskill participants and their families on various skills.
5. Tailoredactivitiestoacceleratesocialengagement:Various online and offline activities to accommodate participants’ differing interests and capability levels.
6. Actively build partnerships: Actively identifying and nurturing partnerships with key stakeholders in the community.
7. EstablishanNDIScrowdsourcescommunityplatform:
An online portal driven by the MDS community, for the
8. Set up a buddy up program: A trusted buddy to support
MDS participants.
9. Re-designthePathwaystoEmploymentprogram:
Addressing the prickly ‘south side’ of the PTE program to
ensure a positive and seamless customer experience.
10. Launch a MDS product line: A range of sustainable products
created by MDS participants.
All 10 concepts were presented at a prioritisation workshop with the MDS executive team. Based on the prioritisation and the feedback received, two solutions were chosen to be explored further in terms of their business models and strategy:
1. Actively build partnerships 2. Launch a social enterprise
We jointly further developed the two solutions - one medium-term and one long-term initiative to drive tangible business outcomes. MDS now has a detailed strategy plan and business model for implementation, which has been detailed and included in this report.
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