Page 1 - Volume 2 Newsletter
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In conversation with KVS
Volume 2
2018 - 19
Their confidence helps them to take
over the leadership role present in the
group. Being aware of oneself is also
important along with the awareness of KVS Seshasai
The school days are the best days of one’s life. Please share some of your members’ strengths and weaknesses. CEO
your school memories that bring a smile on your face today also. This way you can push them to achieve the
I was born and brought up in Ranchi. It’s not a very populous goals of the group and the individual as well.
place and I’m often asked, ‘how do you speak such great How do the curriculum and education imparted in our school
English?’ and I honestly give all the credit to my school and my (BHIS) help to create individuals prepared for the future?
guides. My school was simply amazing, from academics to Automation is increasing on day to day basis. We talk about
discipline to opportunities, and even sports facilities were artificial intelligence. Due to the huge use of technology in the
outstanding and gave me the varied exposure I needed. In fact, future, there will be a lot of job loss.
there were also a lot of PSUs (Public Sector Undertakings) which For instance, the job of lawyers will be reduced as we have soft
gave me the exposure to a diverse student audience. At the end of wares which can draft the entire agreement for you. Technology
the road, all those stereotypical people who judged me simply will start replacing a lot of jobs.
because I was not born and brought up in a metropolitan city But technology cannot replace leadership, empathy and people
were proven wrong as I embraced the opportunities around me to management. Creativity is something that comes from human
the best of my ability, and achieved all this nonetheless. I’m beings.
privileged that way, yes, and I take a lot of pride in my institution, When I look at you all, I see confident children, people who are
after all teachers make all the difference. So, all in all, a journey well-spoken, can articulate, able to communicate, influence
that I enjoyed and was quiet balanced in its troughs and crests. people and can handle strange situations.
What kind of personality would you want your students to have? These are all leadership qualities which hopefully we are trying to
I’d like my students to be confident, self-aware and being aware build through BHIS curriculum. These life skills will be more
of others’ capabilities. You see, confidence is very important in important when go into this world tomorrow than possessing just
leadership roles. You might be experiencing this in the school various subject skills.
projects that you have; one or two of the members step forward Until next time…
and take the lead of the project.
A dialogue with Dr. Madhu Singh, Principal
For you, what does “education” mean?
Education comprises of three things - gaining knowledge, application of the knowledge
and development of the 21 century skills.
You have been in the field of education for so long. What inspired you to be in this
My family laid a lot of emphasis on education. I always desired to become a doctor, so I
promised my father to put doctor before my name. Somewhere inside, I also wanted to
become a teacher. This inspired me to pursue my PhD.
When we shifted to Jamshedpur, the first opportunity I received was that of a
Principal, which paved my path for achieving this as my profession.
How has the education system changed from your years as a student and now as a
The education system has undergone a drastic change. Initially, the education system
was about gaining knowledge, but it has now evolved into an era of “Application-
Base”. Knowledge was vast before, but it has now condensed into smaller content.
Numerous boards have evolved that work towards the holistic development of students
according to their capabilities. So yes! It is the era of application-based knowledge.
What is your philosophy of discipline? How would you foster that kind of culture in an
ideal school environment?
Discipline starts with trusting the children. Giving reminders and warnings always
works for me. An ideal school is that of a fearless environment. Process oriented work
is a necessity besides proper work ethics being instilled in the staff. To foster such a
culture, there should be freedom to perform. There should be no fear of failing
because we learn from our mistakes.