Page 11 - Aidlink Annual Report 2020
P. 11

 What We Do
Aidlink’s key strength is our partnership approach; the longstanding relationships and trust we have built with local NGOs and communities. In times of crises, our partner NGOs are on the ground ready to respond to the needs of the communities we serve. Through drought, floods
or political strife we provide a range of supports to affected communities; food, clean drinking water, sanitation, basic health materials and access to critical information. Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, Aidlink and our partners have continued this work, delivering critical interventions to reach the most vulnerable.
Aidlink has operated a unique development education immersion programme since 2004. We provide an opportunity for students from Irish secondary schools to attend school in Aidlink partner countries, experiencing the culture, traditions and society, as well as the challenges, of communities in the Global South.
Our immersion programme enriches the lives of participating students and contributes to building a socially conscious constituency of young people who are committed to the principles of social justice and who are attuned to the issues of international development.
Aidlink is committed to advancing girls’ rights and ending poverty in Africa. We believe education is one way
to do that. Our volunteers raise awareness of global issues when they fundraise for an immersion programme or organise for one of our events. They bring home the adage, ‘think global, act local’.
We are incredibly proud of our volunteers and the work they do for the most vulnerable in Africa. Thank you.
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