Page 22 - Aidlink Annual Report 2020
P. 22

In 2020, Aidlink programmes reached approximately 40,800 of the world’s poorest and most vulnerable people. We spent €474,902 to deliver life-changing programmes that educate, empower, and enable communities.
  Gender and disability-friendly latrine block, Oloitiko Primary School, Kajiado, Kenya. Photo credit: GCN
In 2020, Aidlink implemented the Inclusive Quality Education project in 16 public primary schools in Kenya. Despite Covid-19 restrictions our partner in Kenya, the Girl Child Network, carried out core programme activities adjusting quickly, where necessary, responding to the immediate needs of target communities. Adjustments included the transfer of school feeding to households
and the distribution of sanitary towels and underwear to vulnerable girls at home.
In addition to the targeted 16 new school communities, we provided support to the 17 school communities supported in 2019.
School closures not only interrupted learning but required adjustments in practice. Community facilitators played a vital role in maintaining connectivity with
communities throughout 2020 through
the ‘Community Conversations’ initiative. Community facilitators are members of the community who are trained to work within their own community to challenge negative social norms and practices that exclude
or discriminate against girls and children with disabilities. They call and facilitate monthly Community Conversations, leading discussions on child rights, education and identifying local solutions to local issues. They are also trained on Gender and Disability Social Audit and Social Accountability tools in order to amplify citizen voices and hold the government to account. In 2020 Community Facilitators took on additional duties including the dissemination of public health information on Covid-19.
Aidlink Annual Report 2020 | 20

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