Page 27 - Aidlink Annual Report 2020
P. 27

 Programme Overview – Livelihoods
 1,239 community members trained on Disaster Risk Reduction in Kenya.
Covid-19 restrictions on markets and travel has reduced access to food and increased cost of food locally. This, in addition to cyclical drought and flooding, and the worst locust invasion in 70 years, has seriously impacted on livelihoods, leading to an emerging food security crisis.
With hunger one of the main barriers to education, two community farms were established in Turkana, in early 2021. This activity planned was for 2020 but was delayed due to recurrent locust infestations. The farms, once harvesting, will not only contribute to sustainable school feeding programmes but will also assist families to improve household food security, nutrition, and income.
Each farm brings together the Boards of Management and community members from four schools. 217 members of target schools' Board of Management and community gatekeepers have been trained to manage these farms in the context of the ongoing climate change threats.
1,239 community members and the
640 children, members of Rights of the Child Clubs, were trained in Disaster Risk Reduction. The trainings taught learners how to recognise the early warning signs of drought and how to respond and mitigate against drought impact and encouraging participation in country Government forums.
In Karamoja, Uganda, 84 farmers trained in sustainable agricultural practices and 3 school gardens established benefiting 1,264 people.
Collecting water is a task traditionally given to girls and often requires walking over
6 kilometres to the nearest water source every day. Taking a holistic approach for the empowerment of girls and women, 7 water tanks (4 in Turkana and 3 in Kajiado) have been installed in schools easing the burden on girls. Two boreholes were drilled in Karamoja, Uganda, reducing the burden on women and girls and resulting in improved access to water for approximately 1,350 people. A third borehole was drilled. The instillation of the pump was delayed due to excessive rainfall and increased insecurity in the area. Pump instillation is set for the summer of 2021 and will provide a further 440 people with access to water.
Aidlink continued to work with national and county level governments to ensure policies are in place to support the development of target communities.
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