Page 19 - Autumn 13
P. 19

an agility course, the symptoms are worse than usual. So we put that in another segment and let it stand in front of our first one.
The next question to the owner would be then to find out, what happens, when the dog barks so much, what does it do to the dog? And maybe the owner will tell us that afterwards the dog is exhausted, doesn’t even want food just wants to sleep. And then we will ask, what hap- pens after that and so on. In the end we may have a full cycle of Calcarea Carbonica.
However, I want to make it very clear that this is just one way of finding the cycle of a patient and ultimately of the remedy we are trying to fit to them. And it will not always present itself in such an easy, obvious way. It took me a lot of time and studying to come to my current under- standing of the method and its successful use in my everyday practice.
Today I only repertorise
and analyse with this
method and my success
rate has increased in a
way, I never thought
possible. I feel (mostly)
sure about prescribing a
remedy, I am better at under- standing the direction a case is going in, I am much more calm at waiting and not giving another remedy or repeating the current one and I think my patients feel that, too.
It’s certainly a bit of a problem that
Paul hasn’t published a Materia
Medica that fits his method. It would
be so much easier for beginners to understand the method and find the fitting remedies. I do have a lot of his remedy cycles due to all the seminars, I have attended, where he gives the cycles freely and explains the remedies, the way he sees them. However, once you are familiar and comfortable with the method, it is not all that difficult to create your own cycles for the remedies with the use of good Materia Medicas.
Another thing I like about Paul Herscu is his ability to see problems in a truly holistic way. While he trusts his prescriptions and in the power of homeopathy, he also knows that other factors can influence a body’s capacity to heal, like for example changing an animal’s environment.
The hierarchy of remedies is another aspect he talks about. While any remedy can develop into a severe state of illness, there are certain reme- dies he describes as more severe and very severe. So he states that there is – for example – no healthy Stramonium. It is also a good indi- cator for your case in general to see, in which direction it is going. If you started out with a
Calcarea carbonica prescription and after two years of treatment your patient is in a Tarantula state, you might not have been all that success- ful. Of course, there are outside influences that might still explain such a development, but I think you understand what I am talking about.
Last, but by no means least, I want to add the case of “Fery”, a two year old Rhodesian Ridgeback, who had been diagnosed with a cystic renal disease (with a genetic factor) and severe stenosis of the upper aorta and who had been given only a few months by the veterinary
When he grew tired (and it took only about five minutes for that to happen), he withdrew, hid between his owner’s legs, didn’t look at any of us, and stayed that way even when addressed. At home, when that happens, he leaves the room and goes to another, where he likes it dark and quiet and doesn’t want to be disturbed. He isn’t aggressive if you do go to him, but it is very clear that he wants to be left alone. And while Phosphorus also might withdraw in order to recharge, this seemed a little too off for me to give that remedy.
I ended up giving Kali Phos, which presented itself to me as it goes:
Which is actually the cycle of Kali Phos as Paul describes it.
Kali Phos is very close to Phosphorus, but is more extreme: bubblier than Phosphorus when they feel well and more extreme in their weakness. The need to be alone is more pronounced. Weakness is an important keynote in a lot of remedies, and it is very interest- ing to see how the organism deals with it. It shares a lot of keynotes with Phosphorus and then goes into a Kali state that is very obvious –
once the pathology worsens.
I gave the Kali Phos in a C30 potency once and the owner called me two weeks later to report that the dog had become a lot more energetic, could even go out with her for an
hour without tiring and that the vomiting had stopped completely. We repeated the remedy about 2 months after that. Of course, the underlying problems still remained and it was no miracle cure forever, but the quality of life was increased for animal and owners,
which was a big plus.
I hope with this little survey I gave you an idea what the method is about. It is by no means complete and more in-depth study is needed for its proper use. The Herscu-module in the Radar-programme is just a tool you can use, but without understanding the method, it won’t help you.
increasing loss of energy, lack of appetite, nausea, extensive vomiting and weight loss.
During the interview the owner reported that during the last weeks he was vomiting more and more blood.
The dog was very companionable, very playful. He is very good with the kids, never bothers them (the owners have two adopted babies, one 2 years old, the other not walking yet), and is always very careful when he is around them. He loves to play with other dogs, never gets aggressive, but tires easily now. The owner also said that he has gotten more anxious, espe- cially when left alone and that in case of fright he always seeks company.
At first impression he seemed like classical Phosphorus, very open, a red, shining animal, you instantly relate to. Very narrow chested for a Ridgeback, almost delicate, especially for a male. A little bit hectic, jumping around, sniffing everything, overly excited.
clinic. His blood work was
showing signs of renal fail-
ure. His
 main complaint was
  Beatrice Milleder
Approbation in 1996, Practice for holistic treat- ment since 2004
main aspects: Classical Homeopathy, Osteopathy, Nutrition and Behavioural Medicine for Small Animals and Horses
Diploma of the European Academy of Classical Homeopathy (George Vithoulkas)
Seminars and extensive studies with Paul Herscu,,

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