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with one large corneal vessel and an extended opacity all around it. He also had a scleral reaction with redness and multiple enlarged blood ves- sels. The eye was shut spasmod- ically. Both eyes were streaming. The owner reported a history of ups and downs since the begin- ning of the homeopathic treat- ment, with some excellent days
and some bad and painful ones. Considering the clinical find- ings and some understandable doubts and apprehensions, which would only be logical in our conven- tional side of the medical sphere, a conventional treatment with Fucithalmic (fucidic acid eye viscous drops) was prescribed in order to
calm the eye and alleviate the pain.
The next follow up visit was to be scheduled weeks later and the
owner was instructed to give the homeopathic remedy once or twice a week, depending on the eye's condition, while using Fucithalmic when- ever the cat seemed to be suffering.
Three months later, December 2010, at the next follow up, the left eye ulcer had practically disappeared. The follow up report given by the owner showed that, 3 weeks after the previous visit, after a few scattered days of homeopathic treatment and hardly ever administering the eye
ointment, the ulcer had healed.
About a month later, on the next follow up visit Garfield looked at us
with clear, tearless, wide-open eyes [picture 4]. According to the owners, there was no more blinking, pain or discomfort. The homeopathic treat- ment was stopped one week after the last follow up in December.
Several months later, at the next follow up, Garfield's eyes looked healthy and bright. On the left eye the ulcer had left just a tiny corneal opacity unstained by fluorescein, probably scar tissue. The owners reported just one episode of aggravation, when exceptionally noisy
restorations were done in the neigh-
bors' apartment. The cat disap-
peared then for 2 days and was
found hiding behind the fridge with
an inflamed, tearing and painful left
eye. A couple of days later, when
Garfield calmed down and relaxed, all
the symptoms disappeared and the left eye looked fine.
Considering the suspected chronic Herpes viral infection and because of the post vaccines aggravations that were observed each time we recommended avoiding vaccinations and performed vaccinal titers for Calici, Panleucopenia and Herpes viruses instead. The Herpes virus titer came out the strongest, as we expected, confirming the suspected Herpes chronic infection.
At the last follow up, October 2011, Garfield looked happy and healthy and so did his eyes. The homeopathic treatment was stopped one year before, in October 2010. The owners said that his eyes are fine except for rare sporadic days in which he seems to blink more often with his left eye, which stays clear and healthy.
The choice of Silicea in Garfield's case was guided by the cat's character and his pathology as well as by the local physical symptoms of obstinate chronic eye ulcers brought on by a deficient immune system, or rather a weakened vital force.
The gentle and sensitive character of the cat that hides when there's noise and bustle around, along with the physical sensitivity allowing the chronic viral infection to resurface with every stressful situation suits well the choice of the remedy. Silicea affects wound healing processes, encourages removal of foreign bodies and opening of abscess. It has a significant role in all healing and scaring processes, affecting ulcers as well as cheloids.
Garfield's homeopathic treatment helped healing his eye ulcer by stimulating his body's natural defenses back into action; or in other words by helping the immune system fight and remove the foreign intruder from within, the herpes virus.
                                Events- 2011/12
GEMS – Gradually Evolving and
Mastering Sensation Study Days
with Julie Geraghty, Liz Thompson and Geoff Johnson
Open to fully qualified homeopaths, registered with the Faculty of Homeopathy or Society of Homeopaths
Friday, 27 January 2012 – “Gases and Salts of Nitrogen and Oxygen” GEMS dates: 27 January 2012, 23 March 2012, 18 May 2012
We look forward to seeing you at the first GEMS study day of 2012
on 27 January.
We will be studying the Gas remedies, like Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Oxygen and the Noble gases, as well as the Nitricum and Oxygenium salts. This is an important group of remedies which have been poorly understood and under-prescribed, but they are now much easier to recognise through use of the Sensation method. We will focus on recognising the words and the sensations described by patients needing Gas remedies, and will also consolidate our understanding of Row 2 issues by looking at the characteristics of Nitricum and Oxygenium salts like Kali Nitricum.
All of our teaching is run from the Penny Brohn Cancer Centre a tranquil and restoring place with fantastic food. Please book your place at least 10 days prior to the event date by e-mailing academic administrator at
All bookings are taken on a first come first served basis.
For more information please e-mail administrator or call 0117 9466087

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